Mettersi in bilico – To put on in unstable balance

di Andrea Lombardo

Le opere che partecipano allo scambio dialettico “In bilico” offrono una fotografia variegata delle differenze e delle somiglianze tra ingegni nati e cresciuti fisicamente lontano, ma vicini per intenti e  narrazione. Il gioco naturale che si presenta ai visitatori è quello di cercare la linea rossa che unisce i lavori degli artisti.


The works within the dialectical exchange “Poised” are a variegated photograph of the differences and similarities between wits born and raised far physically, but close for purpose and storytelling. The natural game introduced to visitors is to look for the red line that unites the works of the artists.


Yao Jui-Chung


姚瑞中 Yao Jui-Chung

50x50cm / Silver Print / 16 pictures / Print in Taiwan, frame in Italy.

Launched in early 2016, Taiwanese artist Yao Jui-Chung covers more than hundreds of temples, cemeteries, public gardens and amusement parks, featuring the statues of deities created by the Han people by reference to their self-images. Carefully observing these statues, namely the

objects of people’s psychological projection, we may further grasp the endemic political relations in different geographical spaces. Yao hid human figures behind the scenes and focused his camera on the cult objects of people’s psychological projection. The photographed are neither religious

architecture nor folk festivals and rites, but the “embodiment of desires” beyond the scope of the foregoing content. The total of more than 12,000 temples in Taiwan shaped the sui generis temple culture that has become the most enigmatic and eventful dimension of the Chinese world. “The

desires of the multitudes shaped the explicit forms of these colossal statues of deities. However, these represented forms are every bit as illusory as dreams and bubbles, since emptiness is the nature of tattva. All the sensory perceptions of the objects of devotion are nothing but false

imaginations……” Yao says.

Massimiliano Robino

Concetto Cosmico 2

80 x 100 x 4 cm – Olio su tele composte

Artista e Designer italiano, classe 1973, vive e lavora tra Mosca e Milano.

La sua ricerca, nel tempo gli ha permesso di plasmare al massimo sia i contenuti espressi nella sua figurazione astratta e non, che il concetto che ne contiene e la sua destinazione finale.

Arte da osservare e comprendere nel tempo, ma anche arte di grande impatto e contaminazione, come quelle realizzate appositamente per sviluppare nuove linee di moda all,ì’avanguardia per uomo donna.

Fra le sue principali mostre e collaborazioni spiccano la partecipazione alla

2011: 54A Biennale di Veneziapadiglione Lombardia

2013: And now is your turn to try 5A Biennale di Mosca

2014: The Illumination TheoryZeppelin Gallery Mosca

2016: Illustrazioni per la rivista Top Flight Russia

2018:Art Designer per il brand Clashing Crabs


Maria Lezhnina

Resistance to Modernity. A story of the asphalt surface photographic series

127x155cm / inkjet Print / 2 pictures / Print in Taiwan. Frame in Italy.

Born in Russia, the background of Maria Lezhnina is particularly diverse. After studying architecture

in Italy and Russia, she worked for design practices in Europe and now is based

in Taiwan. She is interested in the contemporary city and landscape at the time of globalization,

that she investigates by the means of her photographic works. Also, she researches

the perception of photography in the environment by the means of sculptural installations

that challenge established relationships of image, media, supports, and the shadows produced.

Exhibition opening in Trapani

Exhibition opening in Trapani – Images of Tele Sud

Two distant islands, Sicily and Taiwan, two cultures so distant find a way to dialogue, to unite distant worlds, art.Part from Trapani, window on the Mediterranean, a traveling exhibition of artists from both countries that will stop in the major Italian cities. But the presence of the Taiwan delegation in Trapani also opens up prospects for economic development for the companies of the territory. The ambassador will stay in the city for a few days and will meet owners of companies interested in new markets.

Apertura Mostra a Trapani – Immagini di Tele Sud

Due isole lontane, la Sicilia e Taiwan, due culture così distanti trovano un modo per dialogare, per unire mondi lontani, l’arte.Parte da Trapani, finestra sul mediterraneo, una mostra itinerante di artisti di ambedue i paesi  che farà tappa nelle maggiori città italiane.Ma la presenza della delegazione di Taiwan a Trapani apre anche prospettive di sviluppo economico per le imprese del territorio.L’ambasciatore resterà in città per qualche giorno e incontrerà titolari di aziende interessate a nuovi mercati.

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